A policy that sets out rules and restrictions on how employees should use company cars in a company. This may include terms regarding access, conduct, maintenance and safety. Understanding the total cost of ownership is important when it comes to choosing a vehicle. Choosing this more powerful model may not cost much more than the rental costs. But that extra fuel consumption could really hurt in the long run. If employees` driver`s licenses are revoked or revoked, they must inform our [human resources] department. We will reassign their company car until they are allowed to drive in accordance with our policies (keep a clean driving record for at least [X years]). The way vehicles are driven makes a big difference in your cost per kilometer. Train everyone who uses your vehicles to drive in a way that minimizes operating costs. A driver safety policy describes specific rules for people who use cars owned by a company or organization. These often require regular vehicle maintenance, seat belt use and the use of mobile phones, alcohol and medications that impair the ability to drive. Cars are harmful to our environment and expensive to use.

We will try to provide employees with environmentally friendly cars wherever possible. We also expect our employees to use the company cars assigned to them in a reasonable manner, taking into account the environmental impact. Examples of cases where the use of company cars is not necessary: For example, if you feel that an employee is not taking sufficient care of a company vehicle, this is much more effective if the employee has already agreed to abide by a policy that requires them to take care of a company vehicle. Drivers are responsible for bringing their company cars for any maintenance of our business plans. We want to make sure that all our employees are safe at work and maintain the legality of our business. For these reasons we will: Our company car policy describes our guidelines for the use of company cars. A “company car” is any type of vehicle that our company assigns to employees to meet their transportation needs for their work. Company cars are part of our business and we want to make sure our employees use them properly. Company vehicles that senior employees do not use an opportunity to save on the use of the carpool car between arrival at work and the time they return home.

You have minimized vehicle use and ensured that your trips meet an efficiency test. Now it`s time to make sure you minimize the cost of your vehicles per kilometer. Information to help them develop a health and safety policy for employees using vehicles, as well as a model policy, can be found by employers in the publication Your Safe Driving Policy [PDF 430 KB] (external link) Employees face disciplinary consequences if they do not comply with the rules of this policy. In the case of minor offences, such as.B. To allow unauthorized persons to drive a company car or receive more than [two] fines, we may file complaints and ultimately revoke the company car. Aggressive acceleration, sudden braking, excessive speed due to bending, etc. All this leads to costs for fuel consumption or wear and tear on your vehicles. Employees who are tired and/or sick should avoid driving if they feel their ability to drive is impaired. If an illness occurs during a business trip that requires the use of a company car, employees should take regular driving breaks or, if necessary, ask the human resources department to spend the night.

There are a number of tasks around driving, including ensuring that employees are able and safe to drive (both physically and in the sense that they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol). There are also specific obligations regarding company vehicles. As an employer, you need to make sure that company cars are guaranteed, in good working order, properly insured and properly used for work. It`s easy to get into routines when it comes to routes you take or just stick to what you know. However, effective monitoring of vehicle usage will likely reveal ways to spend less time or save miles to get your vehicles where they need to be. [Company Name] [does not allow/does not allow on a case-by-case basis] the personal use of company vehicles. Personal use includes using the vehicle for personal errands between business activities, commuting between work and home, or using the vehicle outside of business hours.** [All workplace safety rules continue to apply when a company vehicle is used for personal use.] ** [Company Name] takes reasonable precautions to facilitate the use of the company vehicle by employees disabled allowed. Employees with disabilities may also be entitled to company cars and parking spaces.

We are also willing to take reasonable precautions to facilitate the use of your company vehicle. Employees who take medications that seriously impair their sense of direction, vision or reflexes may not be allowed to drive a company car. According to the IRS, if you use a vehicle solely for business purposes, you can deduct the full operating costs, subject to the restrictions. If you use the car for professional and personal purposes, you can only deduct the cost of professional use. Any company that owns a company car should consider developing a vehicle use policy. In the event of an accident, contact the human resources department immediately. You will contact the insurer. Follow legal guidelines to exchange information with other drivers and report the accident to the local police if necessary. Do not guarantee payment and assume no liability without the authorization of the company. Perhaps the ability to do work on the train outweighs the convenience of picking up a vehicle. Perhaps a park and ride is the best way to get to these visiting cities. Is the use of the vehicle related to the arrival and departure of meetings? How much of this use is needed? Does your team record many miles to check equipment or monitor performance? How much of this use is absolutely necessary? If you have not been assigned a company vehicle and you think you need it, contact Human Resources.

Your vehicle use policy should also help your company meet its health and safety obligations for its employees who drive in the course of their work. Under the Health and Safety Act, employers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of employees while they work, including driving a company vehicle. Develop a culture in which the use of cars is carefully considered. Perhaps a vehicle is not the most cost-effective way to make a trip. Consider alternatives such as picking up the phone or asking a driver to drop off the package near the destination instead of taking a special trip. .