More recently, in 2012, the EPA announced that it would provide Lawrence with $400,000 in brownfields to assess properties contaminated with hazardous substances. Read more about it here! The Merrimack Valley Planning Commission, in partnership with 15 communities, will also receive $200,000 to assess properties contaminated with hazardous substances. Since the inception of the EPA`s Brownfield Program, the EPA has awarded 296 evaluation grants totalling $72.7 million, 62 revolving loan fund grants and additional funds totalling $68.4 million, and 213 redevelopment grants totalling $47 million in New England alone. EPO press releases on brownfield grants 2012 EPA announces $600,000 to support Lawrence/MVPC in clean-up and remediation (EPA 13.06.12) EPO provides $6.75 million in brownfield funding to clean up and revitalise AM communities (EPA 6/05/12) EPA announces $69.3 million to clean up contaminated sites and revitalise communities (EPA 5/24/12) Previous brownfield funding Industry in Lawrence Read the following fact sheet on the ferrous site for more information on the ferrous site, == References == This second step will prepare the site for remediation. This may include the completion of the demolition of the building and the disposal of the necessary waste, the rehabilitation of the site or the implementation of risk management strategies. Plans for the new designs of the hall are then completed, and after they have solidified, construction of the new site begins. The new infrastructure of the site will be put in place and, once completed, the new site will be open to the public. Phase 2: Phase II site surveys include a more in-depth examination of site conditions and typically include: soil drilling and soil sample collection; Installation of water monitoring wells and groundwater sampling from each well; and the analysis of all samples for the presence of impurities. This provides a more complete report on the contaminants on the property (and their quantity). Phase 1: The objective of the Phase I site assessment is to calculate the probability of environmental contamination at the site, which is determined by a comprehensive site study.

The site survey includes a visual assessment of the site, an interview with past and current owners and residents, a search for environmental privileges, a review of historical records, and a search of contamination databases in or near the site. The results of the Phase I report determine whether further investigation of the site is warranted or not. Phase 3: Phase III of the Survey and Remediation Plan is usually the final phase of a brownfield assessment program. Phase III trials may consist of additional sampling and ongoing study of abnormalities discovered during Phase II trials. A corrective action plan is then established. This plan includes a soil and material management plan for off-site disposal or reuse of affected soils on site, proposals for ongoing groundwater monitoring, a list of permit requirements for corrective actions, and proposals for the use of institutional controls such as restrictions on the use of activities. From old power plants to vacant textile factories, many of Lawrence`s parts were once in urgent need of renovation, but faced a major problem: contamination. Some contaminants found at the Lawrence sites included arsenic, lead, petroleum and asbestos. In 2002, these sites received the attention they deserved, and with support from the EPA and various other sources of grants, Lawrence`s contaminated sites slowly transformed from eye sores into beautiful green spaces and stores. Check out Manchester Street Park (covanta`s former site) to find out more about such a successful renovation project. Groundwork Lawrence currently supports the City of Lawrence`s Brownfields program. EPA Brownfield Assessment Grants are used to assess, review, and clean up sites.

Groundwork is working hard with community partners to renew abandoned and contaminated sites throughout the Lawrence area. These efforts have been successful, as evidenced by Manchester Street Park`s inclusion of the Brownfield Renewal 2010 Social Impact Award and its label as “an outstanding example of fair riverbank renewal and environmental justice”. Groundwork`s work has also just been highlighted by the American Society of Landscape Architects – read about it here! 1. Brownfield work begins with an environmental impact assessment, which is typically funded by EPA assessment grants. The ferrous site, home to a new park and future residential and commercial development, is an example of how an old mill town can use EPA funds to revive a disused industrial site. Thanks to the efforts of the EPA`s Brownfields Program, the City of Lawrence, and community organizations, the Ferrous site, with its affordable housing, parks, restaurants, and shops, has become a central part of the new Lawrence Gateway neighborhood. .