Investigators are reminded that while they are free to discuss the scope of work with a potential sponsor, they are not permitted to negotiate the costs of questions and answers. Any “prior consultation” between a researcher and a sponsor regarding the question-and-answer rate is not binding on the university. State Sponsors: The UKRF grants a policy exemption for grants from state sponsors that do not reimburse the university at the maximum permitted federal cost rate, provided that the agency has an explicit and published policy that limits the cost rate of questions and answers for all applicant organisations. The total direct cost should be used as the basis for calculating questions and answers for all sponsors who publish an I&D rate below the UK standard rate (or total Q&A rate) and should not set direct cost category exclusions. An exemption from the full Q&A cost collection policy is granted to nonprofit sponsors and government agencies that have explicit and published policies that limit their Q&A costs. Principal investigators do not need to ask for a policy exception; these are granted automatically. Note that an exception is different from a question-and-answer fee waiver described below. For-profit Sponsors: For-profit sponsors will be charged at the total Q&A rate corresponding to the sponsored event. Without full cost recovery, the university subsidizes the cost of the project for the proponent. This amounts to giving public funds for private purposes, which is not in the best interest of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Contrary to the policy exceptions described above, a Q&A fee waiver is an institutional agreement between UKRF and a sponsor whereby Q&A costs are charged at a rate lower than the rate published by the sponsor or that Q&A costs are not charged to a specific sponsored agreement.

A waiver will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and only if the programmatic benefit to the university is convincing and outweighs the institutional benefit of reimbursing the full cost of implementing the project. The University of Kentucky bylaws (see RA 7:3) require proponents to be charged the full cost of an externally funded project (i.e., a grant, contract, or other arrangement). The total cost of each sponsored agreement includes direct costs – the eligible costs used for the actual implementation of the project – and indirect costs, officially referred to as installation and administration (Q&A) costs. This document provides guidelines and procedures for calculating question and answer costs for sponsored projects accepted by the University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF). Non-Profit Sponsors: UKRF grants a policy exception for non-profit sponsor awards that do not reimburse the university at the federal government`s maximum permitted M&A cost rate, provided that the sponsor has an explicit and published policy that limits its Q&A cost rate, and provided that this policy applies to beneficiaries of all universities. This policy exemption does not apply if a nonprofit sponsor does not specify its maximum allowable question and answer rate or if the sponsor allows the question and answer rate to be negotiated. Q&A costs are actual expenses incurred by the university to support sponsored projects, but they cannot be directly billed with a specific grant, contract, or other sponsored agreement under federal regulations. R&A costs arise from the institutional need to maintain a common infrastructure that supports the research and scientific activities of all researchers. Question and answer costs are divided into installation costs (p.B. building depreciation, operation and maintenance, ancillary costs) and administrative costs (p.B.

subsidized project management, purchasing, accounting, legal services). Federal regulations on R&A costs are described in Circular A-21 (Cost Principles for Educational Institutions) of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The federal question and answer cost rate is regularly negotiated with the university`s recognized audit authority, the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. Current facilities and administrative rate agreement available from Research Financial Services. Included in the base: all salaries and wages, benefits, equipment and supplies, services, travel and sub-grants, and subcontracts up to a maximum of $25,000 of each sub-vote or subcontract To allow for timely review, a request for a question and answer exemption must be received by the Director of the Sponsored Projects Administration Office at least ten (10) business days before the expiry of the sponsor deadline. The waiver request must include the following information: A request for waiver of M&A fees must be submitted in writing by the lead auditor before the final proposal is distributed using their Internal Approval Form (IAF). The petition must include the written consent of the department head/principal and the dean of the college or the director of the center/institute, acknowledging that the cancelled question and answer fee will be deducted from any question and answer stipend (incentive, improvement or research grant) returned to the unit(s) for the years applicable to the scholarship. This deduction is distributed proportionally among the departments/schools and colleges or centres/institutes concerned.

Signature of the head of department and the dean or director. M&A fee waivers involving multiple academic units must have the written consent of all conscious faculty presidents, deans, and/or directors. Any request for exemption from question-and-answer fees not signed by the Dean or Conscious Director will be returned to the Investigator. A question-and-answer policy exemption is granted to for-profit proponents for projects that include only student support (p.B. scholarship, internship, residency), provided that this policy applies to all recipients. An R&A cost waiver is not approved because the project manager believes it increases the competitiveness of the application or because the total amount of the premium is limited. Excluded from the base: equipment, capital expenditures, patient care costs, participant support costs and tuition waiver, rental costs for external institutions, scholarships and bursaries, and the share of each sub-credit and subcontract over $25,000. Procedure for Requesting R&A Cost Waiver: The waiver of any portion of eligible R&A cost recovery must be approved by the Director of the Office of Sponsored Project Administration, who has delegated the authority of the Vice-President of Research, prior to the submission of the application. Under no circumstances will F&A cost waivers be taken into account after UKRF has accepted a reward. .