The next billing date and time for this Agreement in Internet date and time format. For example, 2017-01-23T08:00:00Z. The currency and the amount of the costs of setting up the agreement. The default value is 0. The date and time of the start of this Agreement in Internet date and time format. The start date must be at least 24 hours after the current date, as it can take up to 24 hours for the agreement to be activated. The start date and time in the build agreement request may not match the start date and start time returned by the API in the execution agreement response. When you run a contract, the API internally converts the start date and time to the beginning of the day in the merchant account time zone. For example, the API converts a start date and time from 2017-01-02T14:36:21Z to an account in the Berlin time zone (UTC+1) to 2017-01-02T00:00:00.

If the API returns this date and time in the execution agreement response, it displays the date and time converted to the UTC time zone. Thus, the internal start date and time 2017-01-02T00:00:00 external becomes 2017-01-01T23:00:00. URL to which the customer will be redirected when he terminates the contract. Currently, however, you cannot translate more than 999 characters at a time. The update time is too close to the billing date. * Exceptions for scholarships: Scholarships are a special exception to other expenses of the billing agreement in addition to scholarships and tuition fees. Training expenses may include travel and mergers and acquisitions. Use the /billing-agreements resource to create, update, view details, invoice, cancel, reactivate, set and pause the balance, list and run the balance.

The currency and amount of the outstanding balance of this Agreement. Billing agreements are used to reimburse an institution for a portion of the expenses of one of its employees or students working at another institution through a grant from the other institution. The best way to think about it: you/we only buy someone`s time. The accepted payment methods for this Agreement. Read-only and reserved for future use. Your text has been partially translated. You can translate a maximum of 999 characters at a time. Log in or register for free on PROMT.

Translate one and more! Specifies whether PayPal automatically charges the outstanding balance in the next billing cycle. The outstanding balance is the total amount of all previously failed scheduled payments. The value is: The number of payment cycles remaining for this agreement. The currency and the amount of the maximum settlement amount associated with this term. Merchant settings that override the default information in the plan. If you omit this setting, the agreement uses the default settings of the plan merchant. Merchant settings include the cost of setting up the contract, URLs that allow the customer to approve or terminate the contract, the maximum number of unsuccessful payment attempts allowed, whether PayPal automatically charges the outstanding balance in the next billing cycle, and action if the customer`s first payment fails. A set of charging models to replace the charging models in the plane. A fee template defines shipping costs and tax information. If you omit this setting, the agreement uses the plan`s standard shipping costs and tax information. The transit number of routing or the sort code of the bank. Typically, you specify this value only for home use.

International bank account numbers (IBANs) contain the bank sort code. For more information, see Bank code. . The type of transaction. Usually recurring payments…. First line of the address. For example, number or street. . Type of verification if the information was obtained from the intermediary or trader.

. The postal code which is the postal code or equivalent. Generally required for countries with a postal code or equivalent code. See Postal code. The type of bank account number. A valid value is the Base Account Number (BBAN) or International Bank Account Number (IBAN). For more information, see International Bank Account Number. Action when the customer`s first payment fails. The value is: this transaction cannot be processed.

Contact PayPal customer service. The profile status must be (A)ctive, (C)ancelled, or e(X)pired. . This transaction cannot be processed. The country of shipment is not allowed by the buyer`s country of residence…. Termination of membership by the Member on an account that the Member has for the water supply of the Tenant/Tenant of the Member, even if the Tenant/Tenant has kept the account balance up to date under another billing contract. . Since the recurring payment feature is not currently available, you will need to try again later. Search for the translation of words and phrases in the online dictionary and listen to how words are pronounced by native speakers.

PROMT dictionaries for English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese contain millions of words and phrases as well as contemporary colloquial vocabulary monitored and updated by our linguists. . The code of a U.S. state or equivalent code for other countries. Required for transactions if the address is located in one of the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Thailand or the United States. The maximum length is 40 characters encoded on a byte. . . .

Possible values: Pending, Active, Suspended, Canceled, Expired. . Enjoy PROMT. A special feature in your daily translation activities. There are two types, depending on whether the funds enter or leave MIT. The frequency with which this money can be drawn during this period. This credit card was issued from an unsupported country. The month of expiration of the two-digit card in MM format. The value is between 01 and 12.

Card validation code. Supported for a single payment, but not for credit card registration for future use. This transaction cannot be processed due to an unsupported currency. Maximum number of unsuccessful payment attempts allowed. The default value is 0, which allows for endless unsuccessful payment attempts. Date and time when the safe credit card becomes unusable, in Internet date and time format. The valid_until setting is not the same as the expiration month and the expiration year. The month and year of expiry may be after the valid_until. For example, the card expires in November 2020, but the date of valid_until is October 17, 2020.

To avoid accumulating a balance, customers are asked to enter into a billing contract and provide credit card information that remains stored during the period they are active customers. Account number in the format International Bank Account Number (IBAN) or Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). The maximum length of the IBAN format is 34 characters. The maximum length of the BBAN format is 17 characters. . Details for the customer who finances the payment. The API collects this information from running the trust URL. The date and time permission was collected in Internet date and time format.

Use this setting if you need to collect user permission because of privacy requirements…. The currency and the amount of the net amount of the transaction. Invalid profile state for wakeup action. The profile must be locked. . RAS should refer to the Internal Guide to the General Billing Agreement for more information. The date and time after which the bank account can no longer be used to fund a payment, in Internet date and time format. The currency code is not valid. All currency codes match.

. You have exceeded the maximum number of payment attempts for this token. The type of card. For example, Visa, MasterCard and so on. The status is not valid for the suspend action. The profile must be active. The currency and amount to be calculated at the end of each payment cycle for this definition. A set of shipping and tax information for this definition. The amount charged must be less than the outstanding balance. .

In Сonjugation and Declension you will find all verbal tenses in English, German, Spanish, French and Russian. In Contexts, look for examples of words and phrases in different contexts. We`ve put together millions of examples of translations into different languages to help you learn languages and do your homework. Updated amount and currency for this billing model. . A type of authorization that specifies how verification was obtained from the client if a verification is the source of information. The value PayPal-Request-Id has already been used. . The value of the currency. This can be an integer for currencies like JPY, which are usually not broken, or a three-digit decimal place for currencies like TND, which are divided into thousandths. For more information about the required number of decimal places for a currency code, see Currency codes – ISO 4217. Invalid argument.

The description field or custom field is empty and the status is active. Possible values: Completed,Partially_Refunded,Pending,Refunded,Refused…. The ID generated by the moderator for the customer who owns this bank account. Mandatory if you create or use a vault financing instrument. The owner is required to sign an alternative billing contract. The recurring payment has been scheduled within 24 hours, so the amount of the unpaid invoice cannot be processed. Specifies whether the customer can change the amount in this term. This transaction cannot be processed.

Enter a valid country code in the shipping address. PROMT. One ( is a free translator supported by PROMT NMT. .