An additional clarification of ENEL, which asks you to visit, is to send all documents via the same message, so as not to complicate their processing and registration. You must also indicate the ENEL consumer code of the territory for which you wish to sign a contract. As I have already said, it is more difficult to conclude a contract with ENEL, because you will need it: when you fill in the application for the conclusion of the contract, ENEL`s customers ask customers to choose from the “type of electrical system” that it has been taken over by the owner of the supply contract, indicating the name, the index and series of the electricity meter. This must be done at least 21 days before the date on which your contract is due to be terminated. The same rules are also subject to legal entities, and the request for termination can be downloaded here. After submitting the application, you will be contacted by an ENEL representative to complete your application and terminate the contract yourself. All these documents are scanned or scanned online, on the MyEnel platform, in the “Notices and Contracts” section and when changing ownership and sent to [email protected]. If you don`t run any of these options, you can fax the folder, make phone calls, 0372871083, or send it to an Enel point. At ENEL, the procedure for terminating a contract is particularly simple.

However, it is much more difficult to make a new contraction narrowing, as you need more paperwork. In order for a natural person to terminate their current contract with ENEL, they must send a written request to the company. .