If you already have systems for other purposes (for example. B magnetic building access cards or an appointment scheduling system), you can use them. You just need to make sure that you collect the necessary information: name, date, time and phone number. Consider the systems and processes you have in place to keep employees safe and ensure that your employees have adequate support, instruction, and information to perform their duties. Use a simple privacy policy next to your alternative registration system to let people know why the information is needed and how long you need it. Companies operating from vehicles are encouraged to display QR codes and keep contact tracing records when a service is provided (e.g. B a food truck or mobile clinic). This can be on the outside of the vehicle. If your workplace is a customer`s location or vehicle, you don`t need to view a QR code or keep contact tracing records. This means that traders (.

B plumbers), couriers and delivery people do not need to display a QR code when making deliveries to customers or working at someone`s home. Learn more about the NZ COVID Tracer app: Don`t leave paper folders open where other people can see the information. This is the leading cause of COVID-19-related data breaches. You should only use an official COVID-19 QR poster from the New Zealand Ministry of Health. Make sure your poster contains the correct contact information. There are two ways to get your QR code posters – online or with our bulk download template. You can choose what is easiest for you. You will need to fill out a separate form for each of your locations. In addition to your business data, you`ll need: QR code posters help New Zealanders know where they`ve used the NZ COVID Tracer app, speeding up contact tracing in the event of a new COVID-19 outbreak.

For more information about the NZ COVID Tracer app, visit health.govt.nz/nz-covid-tracer Great! They are now sorted. Thank you for supporting contact tracing in New Zealand. The website of the Office of the Data Protection Officer contains practical tips to help you protect the privacy of individuals when using other methods of contact registration. Record keeping is the process of collecting details from all employees, customers and visitors who visit your workplace or location. If there is a case of COVID-19 in the community, public health officials and contact tracers use this information to identify people who may have been exposed to COVID-19. Select the QR codes in the left pane and use the self-service web form to get started. Be sure to archive the posters so that the contact trackers know that they are no longer being used (for example. B if they were used for a one-time event).

The purpose of the collection is to allow the Ministry of Health to communicate with an individual in the event of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. When you collect the necessary information, let people know that it is being collected to make it easier to find contacts. For more information on contact tracing and the COVID protection framework, visit the Unite against COVID-19 website. You also need to have systems and processes in place to make sure people scan using QR codes or provide a contact tracing record. The easiest way to do this is to provide a registry. You can reprint your QR code posters and update and manage the contact information saved for your online poster. Make sure your contact information is kept up to date. This way, contact tracers can quickly let you know if: Good records and quick contact tracing will help stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect our businesses, communities, and each other. Nevertheless, we recommend that you keep contact tracing records and encourage the use of the NZ COVID Tracer app. Mandatory Record Keeping Guidelines for Contact Tracing | privacy.org.nz (external link) Contact data sets are personal data.

It must be collected, used, stored, disclosed and disposed of securely under the Privacy Act, 2020. Since you collect personal data about individuals, you must ensure that you comply with data protection law. These include the following: Plan what to do if someone gets angry with the employee who asks them to register or provide their contact information for contact tracing. It is your responsibility to protect all private information. Download the template, complete it, and then email it to [email protected] For more information, see COVID-19: Keep records to support contact tracing on the business.govt.nz website. Keeping records of people who were at their workplace or location makes contact tracing faster and more efficient. Contact tracing remains an important tool to stop the spread of COVID-19. When companies keep records of people who were at their workplace or site, contact tracing becomes more efficient. This is not a chance to freely add people to your email list. When you collect contact tracing information, you can usually only use it for contact tracing purposes. If you want to add people to your email list, you`ll need to ask them separately. If you do not have a New Zealand driver`s license or if you have a large number of locations, use this template.

If people can`t use the NZ COVID Tracer app, you need to make sure that any other method you use for contact tracing protects people`s privacy and that you only use the information they provide for contact tracing. If a person does not scan a QR code, there must be another way for that person to provide you with a “contact record”. A contact record is a person`s name, the date and time of their visit, and their phone number. Other options for collecting contact records include: Downloading and printing registration receipts, stickers, and a box template. You can also print posters to remind employees, customers, and visitors to scan. It is kept here under [name of institution]. You have the right to access and correct any information we hold about you Provide information, training, instructions or supervision to employees (external link) — WorkSafe Further information on the requirements of data protection law can be found on the data protection officer`s website here. More information about the app can be found here. The government`s COVID-19 website also contains a large number of contact tracing posters and registries that you can use.

The Office of the Data Protection Officer has guidelines for the processing of personal data. Businesses should only collect the following information: the person`s name, the date and time of their visit, and a telephone number with which they can be contacted. This information is collected to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic. It will be handed over to the Ministry of Health and/or the District Health Department upon request if necessary for contact tracing purposes. We will not use it for any other purpose and will destroy it after 60 days. All public transport and small passenger transport services such as taxis must display QR codes. Airlines and intercity buses are excluded from this requirement because they have a ticket with contact information. Enter the details that appear on the poster and the coordinates of the location. The coordinates of the location are not displayed on the poster.

Click Generate Poster when you`re ready. You can create your poster in 4 simple steps: choose your poster type, check your contact details, enter the poster details and view your poster. You should have received a link to download the poster. Alternative recording systems require more care to keep them safe. . If you are the person responsible for a business, venue or event, you must do the following under the law: Alternative systems of record must protect people`s privacy. For this reason, we do not recommend the use of registration forms visible to the public. You will still need to display your QR code poster even if you are not required to collect customer records.

If you are hosting an event or gathering, you can choose a QR code poster. Public transport must have additional QR codes in conspicuous places, such as windows. Small passenger services (less than five seats) only need to display a QR code. . Prepare your home and business traffic light by downloading our posters and resources. In all parameters of the COVID-19 protection framework (the traffic light system), all companies and workplaces must display the official NZ COVID Tracer QR code posters. These include companies operating from vehicles, public transport and small passenger transport services, as well as organisers and site owners. Enter your name and email address here. Remember that the email address you enter here is where the poster will be sent. Take note of the systems and processes you have in place and make sure all your employees are aware of them.

NZ COVID Tracer QR codes must be displayed in multiple locations in a commercial premises, including at the main entrance of the premises. All posters must be in good condition so that they can be easily scanned. .