A TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machine is a portable battery-powered device to which two or more electrodes are attached. During labor, the electrodes stick to the lower back (in the same area as sterile water injections) and provide small electrical impulses that some women find to reduce the feeling of contractions, especially if they have back pain. Hoekstra used a TENS machine in the early stages of active work. “It was like a little electric shock,” she says. “It seemed to take away the advantage of the first contractions.” Although epidural anesthesia is generally considered low-risk for babies, research has shown that while women have developed fever during labor — which is sometimes associated with epidural anesthesia — their babies are more likely to be treated with antibiotics after birth to suspect sepsis. In addition, drops in the mother`s blood pressure during labor can affect the baby`s oxygen supply. Some studies have shown that babies exposed to peridoural medications are less vigilant at birth or have difficulty breastfeeding, but much of the research in these areas has been contradictory or inconclusive. Pain during labor is caused by contractions of the uterine muscles and pressure on the cervix. This pain can be felt as severe cramps in the abdomen, groin and back, as well as a painful sensation. Some women also have pain in the sides or thighs. Hartley used nitrous oxide when he was first born. “I didn`t really know if it worked, but I kept doing it anyway because it at least helped me focus on breathing,” she says. Hartley noticed the effect much more when she used the gas while being sewn after birth.
“My head became floating and I could feel the pain subside, so it probably worked during labor, I just couldn`t tell.” A variety of painkillers can be used during labor and delivery, depending on the situation. Many women rely on such medications, and it can be a great relief if the pain is quickly relieved and the energy can be focused on overcoming contractions. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of each type of medication. Nitrous oxide: Nitrous oxide is a gas that women inhale through a mask during contractions. Women are still aware of contractions, but nitro helps reduce anxiety during them. Some women may experience nausea or dizziness at first, but this usually resolves within minutes. This procedure allows freedom of movement, for example. B standing or sitting on a birth ball to help the baby go down the birth canal.
Women may use nitro as the only form of pain relief or it can also be used as a bridge to other forms of pain relief as labor progresses. It is safe and effective for both mother and baby. It`s not as strong as the gas you get during your visit to the dentist, and you won`t laugh at work. It can be used at any time during labor, the push phase, or even during the repair of lacerations when a mother is not treated. Intravenous pain relief: Narcotics or opioids help relax the body and mind during peak contractions. These help reduce pain sensations and, depending on the stage of labor, they can even allow the woman to rest and sleep a little. It passes through the placenta to the baby, but over time, just like the mother, it wears out and has few side effects. Some women also experience initial dizziness and nausea, but this often goes away over time.
We often combine narcotics with an antiemetic drug (anti-nausea) to help, but also to prolong the duration of pain relief. There are several types of narcotics that are used for different stages of labor to reduce side effects in the newborn in case of rapid delivery. A growing body of research has shown that acupressure and acupuncture are effective for pain at birth. Acupuncturist Estefania Orta is one of the owners of Acumamas, a Vancouver-based company that sends a registered acupuncturist to your home or hospital room during childbirth. Orta says that acupuncture does not numb pain, but calms a woman`s nervous system. “If your sympathetic nervous system is activated and you`re in fight-or-flight mode, it`s not conducive to a baby. Our goal is to work with points that will help you relax and focus on the task of coping. When a woman needs mobility during labor, Orta usually inserts only a few needles at a time between contractions, often in spikes of the ear or hand, allowing women to move freely. Showers: Hot water helps with relaxation and reduces maternal tension during the peak of contractions. .